Sunday, April 24, 2011

and then what?
there's still another 5 pages to the story that a finished re that i'll probably post later.. but,i'll take this moment to type about it... SO,.. here's another aspect i thought about.. once the piper takes the children.. what then? to where? why?
if the pied piper tale is a metaphor for losing our youth, something precious, or our innocence, there also has to be a positive side to this. it's not just about the tragedy. AND.. even with interpretations excluded, whatever happens to these kids, they are basically taking responsibility for the adult's actions.. which is not entirely fair to the chilndren, unless the rapture is realy THAT optimistic, like several version of the tale depict the children off to this joyous land of play and happiness... still...
what then? what of it? what does that mean and why does it matter?
well.. at first i thought about going with a more traditional ending... bu in the end, i chose something, that, at least i've never seen before, i hadnt thought about before and was very happy with the result. so...
you'll see it later...
my twist to the pied paper's finally.

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